Magic Appª 1.0 by Instant Information - Australia.
Here it is folks. The Newton utility program that will start to make Newtons independent of desktop computers and cables.
Magic App will allow you to:
1. Move applications between the Newton's internal storage and external storage cards;
2. Beam applications to another Newton;
3. Remove applications with a single tap of the pen.
The only caveat is that Magic App is constrained by how much working memory the Newton has. This working memory is called the Frames Heap Memory. It is a fixed size so you can only move and beam fairly small applications. Currently, 20-30K. HOWEVER, Apple has said they will be fixing this limitation so on future Newton devices, you may be able to beam much larger applications with this utility.
We suggest you set up your Newton with the following beaming preferences: Receive beams automatically and Open In Box while receiving. We find this the most energy efficient and convenient.
Since you need to have the Magic App on the receiving Newton as well, we have developed the ability for you to "clone" Magic App onto another Newton without the need for beaming. If you have Magic App installed in a Newton's internal memory and your friend has a Newton with a memory card. Just insert that card into your Newton and Magic App will clone itself onto the card. Then simply remove the card, put it back into your friend's Newton and beam away. It works the other way too. If you have Magic App on a memory card, just pop it into a friend's Newton and clone it into your friend's Newton's internal store. Remove your card and you'll be beaming in seconds.
If you enjoy using Magic App,
send US$20, UK£15 or Australian $25 to:
Magic App
PO Box 711, Kew VIC 3101, Australia
E-MAIL us your
VISA or Mastercard number with
Expiry date to:
Compuserve: 100026, 1301
AppleLink: AUST0737
FAX it to:
+61 3 349 2815
You may not re-distribute this diskette for commercial gain without our written consent. This means you cannot include it on shareware diskettes etc.
Instant Information is working on Newton e-mail services that will eliminate the need for desktop machines. Stay tuned for more information.